Apr 21, 2021 | Laboratory, Services
Laboratory Services The Forrest City Medical Center laboratory is a full-service, Joint Commission certified laboratory that provides inpatient and outpatient testing, including:. Blood Banking Chemistry Coagulation Hematology Immunology Microbiology Urinalysis ...
Apr 23, 2021 | Maternity Services, Services
Maternity Services When your big day arrives, you can count on the dedicated team at Forrest City Medical Birthing Center for family-oriented care that’s responsive to your needs and preferences. We’ll make your special moment even more memorable with a private room,...
Sep 15, 2021 | Nutritional Services, Services
Nutritional Services Individualized Nutrition Counseling Any individual who has concerns or questions regarding proper eating habits may benefit from nutrition counseling, including pediatrics/adolescents through adults. Comprehensive nutrition counseling is also...
Oct 21, 2021 | Pain Management, Services
Pain Management Dealing with chronic pain can be challenging, and even debilitating, compromising your quality of life. While everyone feels occasional pain, chronic pain symptoms can last for weeks, months, and even years, having serious effects on both your physical...
Apr 23, 2021 | Pulmonology, Services
Pulmonology Shortness of breath and wheezing can be frightening in severe cases and, even in milder cases, breathing difficulties can keep you from living your fullest life. The pulmonologists at Forrest City Medical Center are specially trained to treat lung disease...